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Russian Foundation of Transpersonal Psychology

International Noosphere Institute

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South India. Chidambaram, the temple of dancing Shiva

Noth India. Revalsar and the cave of Padmasambhava

The Himalayas, valley of Parvati, Manikaran. The places of ancient metahistorical battle, the hot spring of Shiva

Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico. Indians Hopi and Navaho

Poland. Kartuzi. Wesiory, stone circles

Karma streams in blossoming and destructions of Inki civilization



(in Russian)

the map of places of power

Studying possible informational channels, enabling influence on the biosphere's self-regulative mechanisms in order to decrease the chaos it is represented by rather important problem. In this respect certain geographic zones of Earth, known since the ancient times as places of power or holly places, are particularly interesting. These are places where ancient civilizations and religions, mystic cultures and traditions were established. Modern research proves that as a rule they are situated in special zones characterized by geologic anomalies, unusual geophysical fields.

The majority of human cultures, to start with cam traditions up to great ancient civilizations, associated such places with an opportunity to contact higher levels of our universe and obtaining with their help harmony between human and nature. According to those imaginations, variable cult constructions built in these places played a huge role in well-being of a given society, harmonizing relations between its members and natural environment. They are stone circles, stupas, pagodas, mantra wheels, chapels etc.

Such places of power in the ancient times were treated as a kind of Earth's acupuncture points, regulating the processes of the planetary homeostasis. From the modern point of view this does not lack sense. Research on nonequlibrium open systems, to which Earth's biosphere also belongs, has proved the existence of certain zones extremely sensitive to external influences and able, in their turn, strongly influence the work of the whole system. Perhaps, such points were discovered in ancient times as places of power. There is no need to speak of the great importance of the conscious use of such informational channels for recovering of the normal functioning of the planet's biosphere and resisting rapidly growing chaos.

Ancient civilizations paid great attention to the places of power. Furthermore there were special mechanisms, strengthening their good influence on humans and environment. These are megalithic constructions: menhirs, dolmens, stone circles which existed even seven thousand years ago; later constructions, particularly widely used in Asian region, are stupas, pagodas etc.; there are also psycho-energetic mechanisms; Tibetan mantra wheel is, probably, the best known among them.

Unfortunately, the knowledge of the aims and methods of work with such constructions is lost in our days, especially in European countries. That is why we have used the comparative analysis of variable ancient traditions together with modern scientific concepts in order to restore the principles of work with those ancient constructions.

South India. Chidambaram, the temple of dancing Shiva

Noth India. Revalsar and the cave of Padmasambhava

The Himalayas, valley of Parvati, Manikaran. The places of ancient metahistorical battle, the hot spring of Shiva

Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico. Indians Hopi and Navaho

Poland. Kartuzi. Wesiory, stone circles

Karma streams in blossoming and destructions of Inki civilization


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© Evgueny Faydysh. 2005.
© International Noosphere Institute. Dmitry Ryazanov, translation, web-design. 2006.

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