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Evgueny Faydysh

According to many ancient prophecies our time is the time of serious confrontations, catastrophes and the passage to the qualitatively new stage of the human civilisation development. The scenario of this development can be not beneficial and hence lead to perish. Unfortunately, events of the modern history seem to prove the ancient prophecies more and more. Recent hopes to create a new open society of equal opportunities, more humanistic and democratic civilisation now look groundless. The monopolar world, which emerged after the split of the Soviet Union, rather reminds of some anti-utopia (1). The new international community resembles an empire with its colonies, built according to hierarchic principles, where "The Golden Billion" selfishly consumes main resources of our planet, keeping other peoples on the miserly ration and turning them into a resource appendage. However, this empire maintains its position not only with the most modern kinds of weapon but also with the powerful informational manipulative technologies.

We do not deny the importance of the economical, political and military aspects of this problem, still, here we will try to reach its origin. We will try to discover the archetypal images and symbols, which are hidden in the depths of the human psyche and rise to the surface in the crucial moments of the history. To concentrate on the visions reflected in the ancient esoteric and mystic traditions. The relevance of this attitude was proved many times by religious prophecies, foreseeing Communism and Fascism in the XIX century and by works of C.Jung, W.Reich and other scientists, who foresaw many features of the XX century totalitarian regimes long before their emergency (2, 3). Even the present stage of the confrontation and establishment of the strict monopolar world was foretold already during Gorby's Perestroyka, when everybody was entrapped by the illusions of "the wonderful world" and "the end of history".

The concept of metahistory is one of the most important archetypes, laying at the basis of the traditional imaginations of the historical process. Its origins go back to the ancient times. Actually people started to take into account the existence of invisible subtle beings (spirits) and other worlds, strictly connected with our middle one, as soon as early religious traditions, shamanism and primary magic appeared. One of the main shaman's tasks was the establishment of harmonic relations with these worlds actively influencing the destiny of a person, clan, tribe and ethnos.

Ancient cultures started to describe their own history with the events, which took place in subtle worlds, the ones of Gods and Demons. It was believed that the origins of the human history and its primary impulses were formed there.

The story of the Fall in Bible can be an example. Many other examples of the connection between events in the world of Gods and earthy history can be found in antique tradition, where Gods interfered nearly in all more or less significant events on the Earth and influenced their outcome. Gesser — Tibetan-Mongolian epos, Chinese and Indian mythology are full of similar stories. Ancient traditions based on the concept of metahistory are too many to be enumerated. One should rather say it is difficult to find even one traditional system lacking such imaginations.

However, according to the ancient tradition, the fates of Gods, Demons and other subtle beings are also strongly depended on the human world, sacrifices and other passes performed by people. Hence, one should rather speak of a symbiosis between Gods and human beings than of "the centralised control".

Hinduism myths often describe the situation when one of mortals due to the practice of self-restriction and meditation (tapas) managed to concentrate incredible power, overcoming the one of Gods and the foundations of the universe itself began to tremble. Then Gods used to come down to the middle world and asked this person to interrupt the practice, promising various gifts and some super-abilities (siddhi). The classical epos of Ramayana can be an excellent example. Such practice could be done by fair beings (Nagarjuna, Valmiki, Rama etc.) and demons or asuras (Mahisha, Ravana). The obtained super-abilities, correspondingly, could be used in different ways. In the first case they served the well-being of other creatures while in the second one they were supposed to increase one's own potency, wealth and power.

Concepts of Metahistory

If one tries to generalise and distinguish some common features out of various ancient traditions, the concept of metahistory can be formulated as follows.

We live in the multidimensional reality with many interconnected worlds, both thick ones, consisting of matter, and subtle ones, consisting of energetic and quantum fields. Some groups of these worlds form thickenings or clusters, where interconnections are much stronger. Metahistorical interactions take place in such groups and then events, occurring in one world, cannot be understood properly without taking the others into consideration. The concept of metahistory itself consists of the necessity of taking into account informational and energy connections between the worlds of the multidimensional reality in order to understand the historical process and forecast the ways of the development of the human civilisation. Daniil Andreev invented the term sakaula to describe the groups of the worlds, embraced by strict metahistorical connections. The term metahistory itself is also his invention. Let us now look closer at all essential elements of metahistorical description.

Elements of Metahistorical Description

Sacred Mountain

All worlds of the sakaula are regulated according to some multidimensional axis. The notion of this axis is an important element of the metahistory. It may be called World Tree, Sacred Mountain, Shiva Lingam, tether etc. It is important to stress that it is also one of the oldest archetypal images, occurring in nearly all ancient traditions. Such axis penetrates all the worlds of the sakaula and it has no beginning and no end, the middle world, which is our Earth is placed in its centre. The closer other worlds of the sakaula to the middle world are, the stronger their interconnection is and the easier metahistorical contacts are.

One can speak correspondingly of the upper worlds or the worlds of the up-going range, which are placed up the axis and of lower ones, situated below the middle world. Simplifying, one can say that the nature of the upper worlds is rather informational and that the very top ones incarnate pure knowledge beyond form and matter, while the lower ones are driven closer to the matter and the very bottom ones touch the initial chaos. The majority of the ancient traditions associate upper worlds with light and spiritual source, creative impulse, well-wishing Gods, paradise. Lower worlds, especially their deep layers, are associated with demonic creatures, hell, chaos and destruction.

The eternal struggle between upper and lower worlds is treated as one of the main engines of the metahistorical process and the human history is believed to be a reflection of these invisible battles. Particular historical personalities are evaluated according to the nature of the forces they transmit.

Sense and Goals of Metahistorical Process

Fall and banishment from paradise

Naturally, the question about the sense and the goals of this struggle appears. There is no simple answer to this question, for finally everything will come back to the eternal problem of the purpose of the existence of the humanity, the earthy biosphere and the universe itself. However, some imaginations, common for the majority of the ancient traditions, are also present here. First of all, this is an idea of the Fall and banishment from paradise. In its simplest version it states that the human life in the middle world is a punishment for the sins of the first human ancestors. Hence, the sense of the human existence and of the metahistorical process is to expiate the previous sins and to overcome the temptations. Creatures of the lower worlds tempt, while beings from the upper worlds help and give some spiritual guidance.

Trial or exam

Treating the earthy existence as a trial or an exam outwardly reminds the concept of the Fall. It is especially popular in eastern religions and is strictly connected with the concept of karma. It should be emphasised that in eastern traditions working the karma off does not mean the expiation of the sins, as it is often misinterpreted in some primitive New Age books. Working on karma problems is rather seen as learning, obtaining new skills and getting rid of negative habits (4). When the trial is completed successfully, two opportunities emerge. One is connected with the spiritual evolution in the worlds of the up-going range and interrupting the chain of the reincarnations in the middle world on Earth. Another is directed towards the realisation of the plans of Creator on Earth, fulfilling the mission. One can easily see that the first choice is close to the concept of the Fall, where the righteous mans enter the paradise, while the second alternative leads to the third concept, the one of the mission.


Ancient traditions often speak of the incarnation in the middle world, the spirit entering the matter as of some mission, connected with the realisation of the plans of Creator and the transformation of the physical world into the new, more perfect state. The change of the nature of the matter itself, its purification and new, more spiritual form is an important element of such transformation. The middle world plays a very particular role in this case. Echoes of these imaginations can be found also in some later traditions. It is obvious that the concept of the trial does not contradict the concept of the mission. In this case "the exam" is treated as a preparative stage before beginning the mission.

The differences between different attitudes to the sense of the human existence could be understood better due to the following example. Let us imagine that our planet is a ship that is being wrecked. In this case salvation religions are oriented towards evacuation of "the passengers" and agree that the situation on the ship itself will get even worse. This attitude is typical for later religious traditions as Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. The gravity centre is moved towards the posthumous existence and earthy problems are rather related with establishing more favourable conditions for the passage to the "better" next world.

Another approach is oriented towards the reconstruction of "the ship". Its followers believe that conditions of life on our planet, the nature of the human being itself can be transformed into more perfect state. The middle world, Earth, plays some very important role in the universal processes. This point of view can be clearly traced in many traditions of Hinduism, Taoism, advanced forms of shamanism etc.

Naturally, the boundary between these two attitudes is somehow fuzzy. For instance, Tantric Buddhism, some Christian and Islamic traditions present good examples of the mission concept. Thus the concept of the sin expiation also can be found in some ancient religions, emphasising the mission fulfilment. Still, the mentioned tendency is pretty clear. The younger the religious tradition is, the higher the probability for the salvation and "evacuation" ideas is. It might be connected with the worse existential conditions in "the end of time", foreseeing the soon catastrophe, as average people can hardly imagine that this catastrophe can be followed by better times.

Metahistorical Interaction Motives

Black and white model of the world gives the simplest explanation of the motives of the metahistorical interaction. The lower world is dwelled by the bearers of the absolute evil, who try to seduce and lead humanity astray at any price. Besides, they are believed to have some mercenary motives:

  • Using humanity as a nutritional resource (parasitising on vital energy) and, correspondingly, provoking people to commit the deeds, which produce the needed kind of energy (murders, tortures, sexual violence and deviations etc.);
  • Tendency to the expansion and annexation of the middle world (creation of demonic humanity);
  • Attempts to use human bodies as channels to influence material (thick) world.

Thus beings of the upper world play the role of guides and teachers of the humankind, who help not to lose the way, overcome the temptations and get closer to the perfection.

"Orderlies of the nature"

In the better developed picture of the metahistorical interactions the mentioned motives are not excluded but play a less significant role. In this case demonic powers are not interpreted as an incarnation of the absolute evil but rather as a tool supposed to maintain the high level of the vital activity of the people who constantly face danger and temptation and must improve themselves in this struggle. At the same time demonic beings act as a kind of orderlies of the nature, destroying those of the weak spirit, who forgot of their higher mission, which is the realisation of Creator's plans.


Another important element of the ancient metahistorical concepts is an image of preceptors and helpers of the humankind, guardians of the Noosphere of Earth that are always invisibly present next to us. According to the ancient traditions, there is a complicated hierarchy of such beings. Some of them exist in the subtle form (field, wave), others live incarnated in human bodies in different parts of our planet. In fact the last ones are usually called Guardians or Keepers.

They can belong to variable religious confessions and mystic traditions, yet, their life is devoted to the common goal: to maintain the continuity of the human civilisations, to keep everything the most precious that was created by previous generations, to harmonise and restore the balance in the planetary Noosphere. Life of these people is subdued to this high service and all other things are concerned to be less important. Hopi Indians, Bramins of Chidambaram, great shamans of the Siberian tribe of Nganasan and real Hawaiian Kahoona belong to such guardians. As a rule these people avoid self-advertisement that is why they are hardly ever widely known. Their way of behaviour is very precisely expressed in the proverb I have heard in Hawaii: "Kahoona who says he is Kahoona is not Kahoona". One of the main guardians' tasks is to maintain and harmonise metahistorical connections, keep the ancient knowledge.

It would be wrong to think that guardians form some secret society and actively interfere the historical process. This contradicts the principle of the respect of the free will, one of the main features of the powers of light. They interfere only in the critical periods of history when humanity is about to perish and only if there is at least a small group of people resisting the demonic temptations. Secret structures, built into the mechanisms of power, economy, army etc. is a priority of the dark, demonic forces. They try to dictate their "new order" to the humanity, actively using different conspiracy structures and organisations. Nazi movement, born in the secret esoteric societies, is a good example (5).


Numerous ancient traditions speak of the existence of the particular world, dwelled by helpers and teachers of the humanity. In Tibetan tradition this world is called Shambala. Different peoples have many legends, connecting this wonderful land with some places on our planet, nevertheless, this world rather belongs to other dimensions of the space and can be entered from different spots of our planet. According to the Tibetan texts, one of the Shambala's functions is to keep important knowledge and teachings and give it to humanity when it is ready for that. The teaching of Kalachakra, received by Suchandra, the spiritual leader of Shambala, from Buddha Sakyamuni, was given to people in the end of the first millennium exactly in this way.

According to the ancient prophecies, dwellers of Shambala will come to help people when the great battle between the forces of Light and Darkness starts. This should happen in the 25th master-kalkin time, the bearer of the direct transmission of the tradition of Kalacahkra in Shambala. We live in the epoch of the 21st kalkin (6).

Vital Power

The particular role of the middle world in the process of the circulation and exchange of the different kinds of vital energy is also often mentioned. According to this concept energies go to the worlds of the up-going and down-going ranges through the middle world. This explains the importance of the sacrifice in all ancient religions and shamanism. On the one hand, due to the sacrifice people nourish their Gods with the energy, on the other hand, Gods ensure their prosperity and successful struggle for survival. This creates a kind of the symbiosis.

One of the archetypal scenarios of this vision of the world is a story of the victory of the new Gods over the old ones and subordinating their believers. Old Gods lose human support and leave metahistorical stage. One of the examples is a Bible story of exodus. In this case the liberation of the Jews out of the Egyptian slavery is interpreted as a metahistorical process. Behind it there is a victory of the Bible God over the old Gods of ancient Egypt, who have already lost their power.

Good-Evil, Top-Bottom

Nearly all ancient traditions emphasize the same importance of upper and lower worlds, which are equally necessary for the existence and development of Earth. From this point of view metahistorical process presents a game of these polar origins, meant to maintain or restore the balance between them. The primary reason of evil is in the lack of balance between dark and light powers.

Basic differences between the two polarities

One can endlessly speak of the differences between good and evil, dark and light origins, let us concentrate on the most significant aspects. They are connected with the qualitatively different understanding of the world and behaviour norms in it. Powers of light first of all respect differences and free will. Dark powers aspire to impose their will on everybody and believe there is only one "right" point of view, which leads to the attempts of the total unification, fight against any variability. The basic myth is the justification that everything is done in the name of "good". This is very clearly reflected in the following statement: "We will make everybody happy and no one will avoid one's happiness". It reminds of the old Russian proverb, according to which good intentions often make the road to hell.

Principle of maintaining the balance (parity)

The victory of the one of the polar forces inevitably leads to the situation when the one who was fighting the evil becomes its carrier and adept (7). It is enough to think of the recent victory of the "Stronghold of democracy and freedom" over "Empire of evil". As a result now we can see the spreading globalisation, violent "democratisation" of the recalcitrant countries, when the weapons of the mass destruction, forbidden by the international treaties, such as vacuum and cassette bombs, shells of the depleted uranium, provoking long radioactive contamination etc. are widely used against civilians.

The strategy of such contactless wars oriented towards the victory due to the threatening of the enemy with the mass killing of the civil population was elaborated after the World War I by Italian general Giulio Douhet and then was taken into consideration by so called democratic countries. During the World War II it was used by USA and Great Britain while the Soviet Union rejected it. As a result some cities, lacking any military objects, as for instance Dresden, were totally destroyed by carpet bombing. One can easily notice all this surprisingly reminds the strategy of the SS punitive expeditions. Another, even more terrifying example, is the use of the nuclear weapon in Japan, also against its civil population. Modern history of the "democratic" USA is also full of the examples of the use of Douhet's terrorist doctrine: Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.

All this shows that the boundary between good and evil can be crossed very easily and the balance between them is extremely fragile.

Metahistorical roots of the real history

When we speak of good and evil we should not forget about connections of some political regime with the hierarchy of the up-going and down-going ranges of the worlds. Obviously, such connections are not advertised and as a rule are well hidden. Yet, analysing the state symbols, secret motives of the political decisions etc. one can discover the truth. The occult origins of Nazism were revealed in this way (5).

This also can be easily seen on the example of the last war in Iraq. At first the formal reason was the unproved connection with Al-Quaeda and the chemical and bacteriological weapon disarmament. When the weapon was not found the talks of the "establishment of democracy" began. In addition to the inadmissibility of the violent "democratisation" of the independent state another question arises: Why Iraq? There are plenty non-democratic regimes in the world and some of them are placed very close to the US, for example in Latin America. Furthermore, Iran — Iraqi neighbour — for many years remains for USA the enemy number one in this region. The recent history shows that in the war between these two countries "non-democratic" Iraq was USA's ally and armed and elaborated the weapon of the mass destruction with its help.

America's desire to control the oil-bearing areas as the secret motive of the war also does not resist the critic. The same question remains: Why Iraq? Besides, the losses of this war greatly overcome possible profits. Thus international sanctions made the Iraqi petroleum nearly fully controlled by the USA. All other rational arguments collapse in the same way.

Yet, if we go back to the ancient history, we will see that modern Iraq is situated on the territory of Babylon — the first super empire in the visible and reachable history of Earth. Besides, this Empire actively used magic and finally got under the influence of evil forces of lower worlds. Therefore Babylon was damned by Bible prophets and since then remains neglected. However, its Temples and, which is even more important, the places of power under them were mainly kept until nowadays. It is worth to remind that places of power work as a kind of "locks" where the access to the other worlds of the sakaula is much easier. The most significant sacred Zoroastric temples and the Mesopotamia, where the Bible Eden was placed, are also situated in this country. Undoubtedly Iraq presents a real titbit for the state aspiring for the world supremacy and seeking the support of the lower worlds of the sakaula.

As to the ancient occult and magic symbols, they are numerous in the USA. It is enough to look at the picture of the pyramid with the all-seeing eye on the one-dollar banknote or the white pentagram on the tanks and airplanes.

Polar origins as the engine of development and guarantee of diversity

The disturbance of the balance and parity between the polar origins first of all leads to the decreasing variety, standardisation and unification of the human culture. The result is the stagnation of the civilisation process, lack of the development and progress in all fields of culture, science and then technics. According to the modern scientific concepts of synergetics, diversity is a necessary condition of any creative process. This rule is well proved by different historical examples, also the ones from our recent past. It is enough to think of the nazi Germany or Soviet Union.

Unfortunately, nowadays the situation not only does not improve but rather gets worse. The establishment of the monopolar world led to the violent impose of the mass culture in the planetary scope. These are McDonalds, Pepsi and Coca-Cola, Hollywood movies, which almost fully replaced national films in the cinemas and on the TV and many other things. Yet, the most important thing is the rapid destruction of the variety of the national cultures, traditions and the establishment of the cosmopolitan, mass human being — a submissive screw of the globalisation.


The notion of time is another important metahistory archetype. It should be stressed that metahistorical time does not remind of our scientific concepts. The following particular features can be briefly enumerated. At first, the time is considered as a cyclic process and not as a line or an arrow. This allows some historical situations to repeatedly take place in the modified forms. At second, the time has a self-similar fractal structure, in other words, every time cycle contains many smaller ones the same way as the life cycle consists of the year cycles and the year cycle of the day and night cycles etc. At third, the time of all forms of life, dwelling our planet, is seen as many parallel streams with their own rhythm and self-alike structure. In this way metahistorical interaction takes place not only in the multidimensional space but also in the multidimensional time. Many interesting effects are connected with the resonance of the self-similar time streams in the different worlds of the sakaula.

Connection between time and vital energy

The connection between time and vital energy also plays an important role. According to the traditional conceptions, the lower level of the vital energy makes the streams of the subjective (psychological, behavioural) time slower. In other words, one manages to make much less in the same period of the physical time. All regulative systems of the organism also start to work slower, which leads to the general weakness and early ageing. Further decrease of the vital energy level in Noosphere leads to the visible acceleration of the ageing processes also in the inanimate nature. All this seems to be a result of the dissonance of the time streams on the different levels of the organisation of the alive and non-alive nature. Atomic and molecular time accelerates in the relation to the behavioural and regulative one; on the other hand, this can be explained by the weakness of the self-organisation processes, which slow down.

All these symptoms are typical for "the end of time" — the end of the time cycle. According to the prophecies of the Aphon elders (Aphon is the sacred mountain in Greece where many ancient Orthodox monasteries are situated), before Apocalypse time will reduce to 16 hours instead of 24 in the day and night cycle, when it melts down to 12, the end of the world will take place. Undoubtedly, the mentioned time is not the one measured by clocks.


The vision of the end of the time, apocalypse is also one of the typical images of the metahistorical picture of the world. It is very strictly connected with the concept of the cyclic time. This, probably, concerns the end of one of the cycles. This can be the cycle connected correspondingly with some nation, civilisation, our planet as a whole or the Universe. Metahistorical descriptions seem to mean the sakaula level catastrophes, associated with the end of the world. Such purifying destruction is followed by the restoration of the Noosphere and then the historical process is played again on the new stage. One of the most profound pictures of such process is presented in the Hopi Indian mythology (8, 9).

The decisive battle between the powers of Light and Darkness, that goes on the all levels of the Universe organisation, is also often described. Zoroastrism, Nordic tradition and Tibetan Buddhism are only some examples. The story of the similar battle, which took place in the beginning of time is also common, probably, this is a description of the previous apocalypse. It is usually described as the battle between Gods and Titans (demons) and often speaks of the previous God being killed. Sometimes this is a parricide as in the story of Odin's victory or Purusha's sacrifice in Hinduism.


If to speak of our time in the global perspective, the majority of the ancient prophecies agree that in this period dark powers prevail (Kali Yuga), this phase precedes the next destruction. This can be easily proved by many TV programmes and ads, which actively use the lowest, bestial instincts of human beings. Hence, in this historical period the primary task for us is to maintain the powers of light and to resist the pressure of the dark origin coming from the lower worlds. Now it is important to concentrate on the favourable scenario of the overcoming the present crisis and establishing the new, really humane civilisation.


  1. Koestler A. The roots of coincidence. London, 1972.
  2. Jung C. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Vintage Books, 1989.
  3. Reich W. The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Noonday Press, 1980.
  4. Faidysh E. Karma and Psychotrauma. ALMIN, Moscow, 1995.
  5. Pauwels L., Bergier J. The Morning of the Magicians. Scarborough House, 1991.
  6. Glenn H. Mullin. The Practice of Kalachakra. Snow Lion Pubns, 1991.
  7. Faidysh E. Mystic Cosmos. International Noosphere Institute, Moscow, 2002.
  8. Waters Frank. Book of the Hopi. Penguin books, 1977.
  9. Faidysh E. Initiation and shamanic gift in ancient (archaic) shamanic traditions. "Shamanic gift", Ethnology Institute RAS, Moscow, 2000, pp. 262-277.


© Evgueny Faydysh. 2003.
© International Noosphere Institute. Alexey Ivanov, web-design. 2004.